About Us

We are four sisters. Juliet, Eva-Maria, Katia and Viktoria. We are still kids 8,7,4,4 years old. We called the website 2s2 because there are 2 older sisters and  twin younger ones, so 2 sisters squared = 4 :) Plus, our dad said a short website name is good.

We make lanyards for masks.

We're doing this to help pay for our dance classes since there is 4 of us and we love dancing and wanted to take more than 1 class per week.

Our parents paid for all our first classes but since we wanted to take more classes, they told us that it would be a little too expensive and if we wanted to, we need to come up with a way of making some extra money.

We made a few lanyards for masks that make it easy for kids like us to keep our masks and not loose them. We sold them to our friends and family and they liked our designs and how we made them and now more kids and people want them so my dad said he would put up this website for us so it would be easier for people to get them. 

Right now Eva-Maria and me make the lanyards, but Katia and Viktoria help us pick out the colors. 

Thank you for buying our stuff!